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Nutrition and Physical Activity: Tailoring Interventions for Optimal Health

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Nutrition and Physical Activity: Tailoring Interventions for Optimal Health

Your Price $10.00 - $54.00

Nutrition and physical activity vitally contribute to disease prevention. However, few adults meet recommendations for the general population. Healthy adults with or without cardiometabolic risk factors, such as overweight or obesity, may benefit from interventions that help establish healthy eating patterns and consistent physical activity routines. In this session, nutrition and physical activity practitioners will team up to discuss approaches that establish positive behavior changes in adults who are healthy or have cardiometabolic risk factors. This session will discuss how to tailor dietary and physical activity guidelines for the general population to meet each client's or patient's needs across a variety of settings while staying within professional scope of practice. Session speakers will explore how multidisciplinary training and partnerships can increase access to improve public health.

Product Publish Details

Release Date: October 11, 2022

SKU: FNCE22219

CPE Level: 2 (intermediate knowledge/experience)

CPEU: 1.00 (Valid Until October 10, 2025)

Learning Objectives

  • Explain the importance of providing nutrition and physical activity interventions to adults in the general population prior to disease development
  • Demonstrate how dietitians and exercise practitioners can collaborate to provide individualized care for adults who are healthy or who have cardiometabolic risk factors, including recommendations of resources
  • Develop tailored nutrition and physical activity plans from recommendations for the general population while staying within scope of practice

Performance Indicators

  • 8.1.1 Interprets and applies evidence-based literature and standards for determining nutritional needs of target audiences
  • 1.1.2 Pursues and embraces opportunities to advance practice.
  • 9.2.4 Collaborates with learners and colleagues to formulate specific, measurable and attainable objectives and goals.

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Julie Schwartz, MS, RDN, CSOWM, LD, ACSM-EP, NBC-HWC


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Peggy Hamlet, PhD, MES


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Justin A. Robinson


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