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Editorial Policy

This editorial policy covers text, images, videos, interactive tools and other material ("content") contained on, and ("organizational websites"), in addition to all Academy online properties managed by organizational units of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics ("Academy properties.")

The Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics is the world's largest organization of food and nutrition professionals. This editorial policy covers text, images, videos, interactive tools and other material ("content") contained on, and ("organizational websites"), in addition to all Academy online properties managed by organizational units of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics ("Academy properties").

Content on organizational websites and Academy properties strictly adhere to policies and processes that ensure editorial integrity and consistent, credible information. Online visitors can be confident that editorial decisions are not influenced by outside interests, political or commercial pressures, private or industry sponsors, advertisers, donors or collaborators or any personal interests.

Topics We Cover

The Academy publishes articles on food trends, family nutrition and health; highlights of research and resources; updates on public health issues and policy initiatives related to nutrition, food security; and explorations of the cultural and social factors that shape our diets and health. It is essential to acknowledge that some discussions fall outside the scope and purview of the Academy. Debates and discussions about political ideologies, social events, foreign policy and external conflicts are a matter of great importance and concern in the global context, and in particular for individuals whose loved ones are affected or in harm's way. As always, individual practitioners should engage in any public discussion, regardless of the topic, with professionalism, respect and civility. Anyone with questions about the Code of Ethics for the Nutrition and Dietetics Profession can find details here.


How Content Is Developed

Topics on organizational websites and Academy properties are selected for relevance to the health and wellness of the general public and content decisions are based on the editors' judgment of potential interest to visitors, timeliness of the topic and quality of research and writing. Content is developed solely by the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics and adheres to the positions of the Academy. The Academy does not promote or endorse the services of individual practitioners or members.

Expert Review

The Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics presents accurate, accessible, evidence-informed content that is relevant to its audience. All nutrition information and public-facing educational content is reviewed by Academy staff registered dietitian nutritionists and, when applicable, specialty subject experts. Content is updated when pertinent new research emerges that may affect information presented on organizational websites and Academy properties. Additionally, content on is reviewed every one to two years to ensure it is up to date and accurate. The date on which a piece of content was last reviewed is displayed on an article or web page.

Any public-facing content bearing the Academy brand that is published outside these content development and expert review procedures is in violation of the Academy's editorial policy.

Conflict of Interest

Content on organizational websites and Academy properties is evidence-informed and is not influenced by private or industry sponsors, advertisers, donors or collaborators. As such, content contributors of the eatright websites are required to disclose any relationships that may present a potential conflict of interest or perception of conflict of interest. If you believe a piece of content, author or reviewer has been influenced by a conflict of interest, please send us an email.

Ethical Standards

All published material on organizational websites and Academy properties adhere to the Code of Ethics for the Nutrition and Dietetics Profession. The following are select standards from the Code, which apply to writers and reviewers who are members of the Academy or credentialed by the Commission on Dietetic Registration.

Nutrition and dietetics practitioners shall:

(1c) Assess the validity and applicability of scientific evidence without personal bias.
(1g) Act in a caring and respectful manner, mindful of individual differences, cultural, and ethnic diversity.
(2a) Disclose any conflicts of interest, including any financial interests in products or services that are recommended. Refrain from accepting gifts or services which potentially influence or which may give the appearance of influencing professional judgment.
(2d) Respect intellectual property rights, including citation and recognition of the ideas and work of others, regardless of the medium (e.g. written, oral, electronic).
(2e) Provide accurate and truthful information in all communications.
(3b) Respect the values, rights, knowledge, and skills of colleagues and other professionals.
(3c) Demonstrate respect, constructive dialogue, civility and professionalism in all communications, including social media.
(3d) Refrain from communicating false, fraudulent, deceptive, misleading, disparaging or unfair statements or claims.
(3h) Communicate at an appropriate level to promote health literacy.
(3i) Contribute to the advancement and competence of others, including colleagues, students, and the public.
(4b) Promote fairness and objectivity with fair and equitable treatment.
(4d) Promote the unique role of nutrition and dietetics practitioners.

The following incidents would be handled in accordance with the Academy/CDR Disciplinary & Ethics Complaints Policy:

  • If a writer or reviewer has relevant, undisclosed financial or professional interests in a subject covered that could suggest the appearance of a conflict of interest as determined by the editors.
  • If a writer or reviewer intentionally misinterprets data to benefit one party.
  • If a writer or reviewer otherwise falsifies data or plagiarizes content.

Submitting Feedback

The editorial staff of the organizational websites and Academy properties welcomes and reviews feedback from readers. While all feedback is considered by the editorial staff and our practice reviewers, we may not respond to each communication received. In the event of an inaccuracy or inconsistency, the staff makes every effort to quickly address and correct errors. Readers are invited to email feedback.

Sponsorship and Advertising

The organizational websites and Academy properties solidly adhere to editorial integrity and independence. Content is not influenced by outside interests, political or commercial pressures, private or industry sponsors, advertisers, donors or collaborators, or any personal interests. The Academy does not accept advertising on its organizational websites.

Copyright Policy

All content on organizational websites and Academy properties is copyrighted by the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics and may be used only for non-commercial purposes. No content may be reprinted, copied or electronically reproduced or used in a commercial setting — except where specifically noted — without prior expressed permission by the Academy.

Reprint Policy

The Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics grants permission to reprint full articles as pieces which are included in print publications, print materials or initiatives that are free of charge, as long as the content remains unaltered, credited to the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics and refers the audience to visit for more information. Our materials are free of charge if these guidelines are met.

For reprint permission on public and personal websites, blogs and other publicly-available sites, we grant permission to use up to 50 words from our articles with clear attribution, linking to for the full article. Permission to use Academy content for digital applications must be requested in writing and will be considered on a case-by-case basis.

To obtain permission to reprint any Academy articles in accordance with our policy, please submit the permission application or email any questions.

Linking to Our Content

While we welcome links to our organizational websites and Academy properties from other websites, we do not engage in systematic link reciprocity. Links may be in the form of text only; use of the eatright logo or other Academy marks or graphics is strictly prohibited.

If you need text to describe our sites, please use the following: "The Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics provides the latest science-based nutrition information on"


The advice found on our organizational websites and Academy properties should not replace consultation with a health care professional. (See Terms of Service.)

Content on our organizational websites and Academy properties is for informational purposes only. Nothing contained in these sites is or should be considered, or used as a substitute for, medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. The services provided on these sites are here to educate users on nutrition- and health-related topics that may affect their daily lives. These sites and their services do not constitute the practice of any health care advice, diagnosis or treatment.

Seek the advice of a qualified health care provider for any questions regarding personal health or medical conditions. Never disregard, avoid or delay in obtaining medical advice from your doctor or other qualified health care provider because of something you have read on our organizational websites and Academy properties. If you have or suspect that you have a medical problem or condition, please contact a qualified health care professional immediately. If you are in the United States and are experiencing a medical emergency, please call 911.

Privacy Policy

For Public Content

While the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics does collect statistical data for research purposes and uses cookies for identification, we never collect personally identifiable information (PII) nor do we collect IP addresses of visitors to publicly accessible content.

For Academy Member-Only Content

To gain access to members-only resources and personalization features on the Academy's websites, members and other users are asked to voluntarily register and/or provide their member login, as well as provide some limited PII. Read our full privacy policy for more information.

These guidelines are not inclusive or exhaustive and are subject to change at the discretion of the Academy at any time.

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