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International Orders and P.O. Boxes

Learn about restrictions for customers with a P.O. Box or an international address outside the United States and Canada. Restrictions apply when shopping on

Addresses Containing P.O. Boxes

A full mailing address is required to receive an order. Please do not provide a P.O. Box.

International Orders – Mare Norstrom Group

Although we are unable to processed orders for international addresses from, many Academy publications are available to customers in the United Kingdom, Europe, Middle East, Africa, Asia-Pacific, Latin America, and the Caribbean through Mare Norstrom Group—the Academy's international book distributor.

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Individual Orders & Enquiries:
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Other International Orders

For international orders of any Academy products not available through Eurospan, please refer to the information below.

Academy Members with International Addresses

Products Required to be Shipped to Customer:

  • There is no online shipping option for members with an address outside the United States and Canada. Please contact member services at 312-899-0040 (Monday - Friday, 8 AM - 5 PM Central Standard Time) or to place an order.
  • International (including Canada): Prepayment secured only by certified check, and shipping and handling charges vary by country.
  • International destinations outside of Canada: $50.00 required minimum order.

Customers with International Addresses (Non-members)

Products Required to be Shipped to Customer:

  • There is no online shipping option for customers with a billing and shipping address outside the United States and Canada. Please contact member services at 312-899-0040 (Monday - Friday, 8 AM - 5 PM Central Standard Time) or to place an order.
  • International (including Canada): Prepayment secured only by certified check, and shipping and handling charges vary by country.
  • International destinations outside of Canada: $50.00 required minimum order.

Products that are Emailed to Customer:

  • There is no online shopping option for customers with a billing address outside the United States and Canada. Please contact member services at 312-899-0040 (Monday - Friday, 8 AM - 5 PM Central Standard Time) or email us to place an order.

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