Child care settings can be instrumental for providing good nutrition to children. To further understand the quality of nutrition and wellness in child care settings, U.S. Department of Agriculture collected data from over 300 Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP)-participating child cares in 2017 as part of the Study of Nutrition and Activity in Childcare Settings. This study examined the nutritional quality of foods offered and barriers to and facilitators of nutritional quality, physical activity, and participation in federal child nutrition programs. USDA will share key findings from this study and free resources that can assist CACFP operators in meeting nutrition standards. The Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services will explain their effective training strategies for staff aimed at improving the healthfulness of child care food environments. RDNs will leave this session with an understanding of the types of activities that might promote or inhibit growth and development of children in child care settings, and free tools to assist child care staff and families in providing a healthy eating environment for children.