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Teaching Through the Trauma

Teaching Through the Trauma

Your Price $10.00 - $54.00

Across the nation, students' lives have been unsettled by the global pandemic, national disruptions, and regional and personal events. This interactive session will discuss trauma-informed pedagogy and analyze how it can be used to shape teaching and and learning environments that promote student success. Presenters will discuss trauma-informed instruction, including tips and techniques for managing trauma, stress, and anxiety in and out of the classroom that both student and instructor can use.

Product Publish Details

Release Date: October 9, 2022

SKU: FNCE22156

CPE Level: 1 (basic knowledge/experience)

CPEU: 1.00 (Valid Until October 10, 2025)

Learning Objectives

  • Apply the principles the trauma-informed pedagogy to your classroom instruction
  • Provide grounding and settling practices for both instructor and student to use in a classroom or virtual setting during a trauma response
  • Identify the do's and don'ts when a student is having a trauma response in your course

Performance Indicators

  • 2.1.2 Identifies and addresses barriers to effective communication.
  • 9.3.2 Develops a variety of learning activities based on a plan of action and the needs of individuals, groups, communities and populations.
  • 9.2.1 Evaluates learning needs of individuals and target groups.

Placeholder Headshot

Brigett L. Scott, PhD, RDN, LDN

Moderator and Speaker

Placeholder Headshot

Aimee Hollander, PhD


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