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Rethinking RDN Leadership from Curriculum to Corporation

Rethinking RDN Leadership from Curriculum to Corporation

Rethinking RDN Leadership from Curriculum to Corporation

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Registered dietitian nutritionists are the experts in nutrition, but are we seen as food and nutrition leaders? With opportunities in food service, clinical nutrition, marketing, education, and more, RDNs have a diverse set of opportunities available - but aren't always taught the skills to pull up a seat at the table.

A 2017 survey of clinical RDNs showed that 90% believed leadership was relevant in their daily practice, with 76% of RDNs saying they enjoyed their job more when they demonstrated leadership. When asked about their dietetics curriculum, most attributed leadership training to foodservice management coursework.

In this session, learners hear from Chelsea Capelo, MBA, RDN, LDN and Shawnee Kelly, MS, RDN, LDN, FAND, as they share how students and even seasoned RDNs can have a better understanding of the tools and opportunities available to optimize their career growth.

Planned with the Dietitians in Business and Communications Dietetic Practice Group

Product Publish Details

Release Date: October 8, 2023

SKU: FNCE23190

CPE Level: 2 (intermediate knowledge/experience)

CPEU: 1.00 (Valid Until December 31, 2025)

Learning Objectives

  • Explain the importance of applying leadership, business, and communication skills in any practice setting.
  • Describe how enhanced leadership skills help RDNs get a seat at the table to challenge the status quo.
  • Identify tools and opportunities to expand business and communications skills, empowering RDNs to go beyond the linear path of career development.

Performance Indicators

  • 3.1.1 Identifies strengths and opportunities for improvement in self and in others.
  • 3.2.4 Encourages others to engage in personal and professional development activities for career growth and skill enhancement.
  • 4.2.3 Demonstrates insight concerning personal expertise and limitations.

Placeholder Headshot

Amanda Kruse


Placeholder Headshot

Chelsea Capelo


Placeholder Headshot

Shawnee Kelly


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