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Navigating Obesity Medications: Exercise and Nutrition with a Patient-Centered Approach

Navigating Obesity Medications Exercise and Nutrition with a Patient-Centered Approach

Navigating Obesity Medications: Exercise and Nutrition with a Patient-Centered Approach

Your Price $10.00 - $54.00

Dietitians are uniquely poised to provide evidence-based obesity care with a patient-centered focus. Navigating the landscape of obesity medications poses new considerations regarding nutrition, behavior and physical activity. In this engaging and interactive session, an experienced registered dietitian and exercise physiologist have teamed up to present what we know and what we don't know about exercise and nutrition for people on these medications from an evidence based approach: they will review the best available evidence, consider provider experience, and focus behavioral counseling on patient values. They explore the impact of these medications on lean body mass, resistance training and muscle health, and the impact of patient engagement in exercise considering patient-level barriers to meeting recommended targets.

Nutrition strategies to determine and meet protein needs, address medication side effects, and navigate psychosocial considerations like body image, food noise, appetite, structure and planning, and when to refer will be explored. An interactive panel discussion will allow the audience to share their own experience, and together you will leave with some actionable strategies to optimize the care of your patients on medication treatment for the disease of obesity.

Planned with the Committee for Lifelong Learning

Product Publish Details

Release Date: October 6, 2024


CPEU: 1.00 (Valid Until May 31, 2027)

Learning Objectives

  • Discuss the evidence regarding exercise approaches in modifying body composition while taking anti-obesity medications.
  • Examine recommendations for protein in weight loss and develop strategies to improve intake and quality while considering individual patient needs and preferences.
  • Identify specific barriers to meeting exercise and protein goals while on anti-obesity medications, and utilize behavioral change counseling techniques to facilitate change.

Performance Indicators

  • 10.6.2 Applies a variety of counseling theories, psychological methods and strategies that empower clients/patients to make changes.
  • 9.2.2 Differentiates between outdated and current evidence based practice related to the management of diseases and clinical conditions
  • 9.3.8 Creates a nutrition care plan to match energy and other nutrient and fluid needs to maintain health, optimize performance and reduce the likelihood of negative exercise outcomes (e.g., overtraining, injury).

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Nina Crowley


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Morgan Dickison, MS, RDN, CSOWM, CDN


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Renee J. Rogers, PhD, FACSM


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