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Nutrition in Kidney Disease Certificate of Training

Nutrition in Kidney Disease Certificate of Training Sample Audio

Nutrition in Kidney Disease Certificate of Training

Your Price $99.00 - $299.00

The Nutrition in Kidney Disease Certificate of Training provides a foundation of chronic kidney disease (CKD) etiology, progression and care. This program's five unique modules will explain the role of hypertension, diabetes and cardiovascular disease in CKD progression; analyze potential complications; provide recommendations for individualized diet; and much more!

This course can aid students, interns, and early-career RDNs in solidifying their understanding of CKD and their role in working with patients who have CKD. It may also serve as a refresher for mid-career RDNs or those looking to adopt a new specialty.

The Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics Center for Lifelong Learning developed this course in partnership with the Renal Dietetic Practice Group.

Product Publish Details

Release Date: February 27, 2025


CPEU: 13.00 (Valid Until January 15, 2028)

Learning Objectives

  • Explain the basics of CKD, including the use of estimated glomerular filtration rate and urine albumin-to-creatinine ration in assessing and counseling individual patients.
  • Determine appropriate diets for patients with CKD, including those with co-morbidities and those with different treatments.
  • Use and interpret laboratory data to assess patients with CKD and potential complications.
  • Describe treatment options for kidney failure.

Performance Indicators

  • 2.3 Collaborates with inter- and intra-professional team members to achieve common goals and to optimize delivery of services.
  • 8.2 Applies current knowledge and skill in the management of a variety of diseases and clinical conditions.
  • 10.2 Conducts a nutrition assessment to establish nutrition diagnoses, prescriptions and care plans.

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Lindsay Ducharme, RD, CSR, LDN


Lindsay is a registered dietitian and has board certification as a renal nutrition specialist. She's worked in a variety of clinical settings throughout the years but found a passion for renal nutrition in 2013 when she began working at Fresenius Kidney Care in Medford, Mass. In 2021, she started her private practice, Vital Kidney Nutrition which focuses on providing nutrition education to the non-dialysis CKD population. Lindsay resides in Massachusetts with her husband and two sons. In her spare time she enjoys running and being active with her family.
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Donna Gjesvold, RDN, LD, CCTD


Donna is a clinical dietitian at Hennepin Healthcare in Minneapolis, Minn. She practiced in a variety of settings prior to joining Hennepin’s Kidney Center in 2008. She is a graduate of the University of Minnesota and is certified as a clinical transplant dietitian (CCTD) through the North American Transplant Coordinators Organization (NATCO) since 2021.

She is a long-time member of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics and their Renal Practice Group. She has served on Minnesota's licensure board since 2017 and is the governor appointed chair of the state's Board of Dietetics and Nutrition Practice since 2022.

Donna currently sees patients in the outpatient setting who have kidney stones, chronic kidney disease and those pursuing a kidney transplant or living kidney donation. She is proud to be part of the pioneering program that performed the first kidney transplant in the upper Midwest in 1963 and loves the long-term relationships and the dynamics of working as part of a multidisciplinary team that outpatient kidney care requires.

When not working, Donna enjoys food from other cultures and getting together with family and friends near and far – outdoors in warm weather when possible as she is a South Carolina native, and the Minnesota winters are long!

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Janelle Gonyea, RDN, LD, FNKF


Janelle is a registered dietitian nutritionist with 36 years of experience as a clinical dietitian specializing in kidney disease. She has worked with chronic kidney disease patients in all stages of their disease process and across all treatment options. In addition to patient care, she has authored numerous articles for patient and professional publications and often speaks at regional and national meetings on various topics related to kidney nutrition. Janelle resides in Rochester, Minn.

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Rachael Majorowicz, RDN, CSR, LD, FNKF


Rachael is an assistant professor of nutrition for the Mayo Clinic College of Medicine. She has over 20 years of experience in dialysis, including creating patient education materials, writing medical nutrition therapy guidelines, and educating dietetic interns, RDs, medical students, Nephrology nurses, fellows, and physicians. She led the revision of the National Kidney Diet materials, is a contributor to online medical information, peer-reviewed journals and book chapters, including the current revision of the bone and mineral disorders chapter of A Clinical Guide to Nutrition Care in Kidney Disease.

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Rory has dedicated her career to nephrology nutrition, a field in which she is a leader, educator, and patient advocate. Rory earned a bachelor's degree in dietetics from the University of California, Davis and a master's degree in public health from UCLA. She has been a board-certified specialist in renal nutrition for 20 years.

Rory has published and presented on numerous nephrology nutrition topics and is co-author of the 2020 Standards of Practice and Standards of Professional Performance for Nephrology Nutrition. An active volunteer leader, Rory served as Chair of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics Renal Dietitians Practice Group.

Rory previously served as Senior Director of Nutrition Services at Satellite Healthcare, using her clinical and leadership experience to guide clinical practice for over 120 nephrology dietitians across the U.S. In her current role of nutrition therapy consultant with Patient Care America, Rory supports clinicians in treating malnutrition in people on dialysis.

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Sara Prato, MS, RDN, CSR


Sara Prato is a registered dietitian nutritionist and owner of The CKD Dietitian. Her private practice is dedicated to helping individuals with chronic kidney disease manage all stages of their condition. With over a dozen years of experience as a kidney dietitian, Sara has worked across various areas, including dialysis and kidney transplant, and has spent the majority of her career specializing in CKD.

Sara's approach emphasizes meeting individuals where they are on their health journey, providing personalized guidance, and empowering them to achieve their health goals. She is passionate about supporting patients through behavior change, helping them build sustainable habits that enhance both their kidney health and overall well-being.

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Cate Rhodes, MS, RDN, LDN, CNSC


Cate Rhodes is a registered dietitian and certified nutrition support clinician (CNSC) and has been working in renal nutrition for 18 years. Cate began her career as a renal dietitian at outpatient dialysis clinics in North Carolina and Virginia but has spent the last 15 years in the acute care setting. She is currently a Clinical RD 3 for the Cone Health System in Greensboro, N.C.

She is also a member of the Cortrak Enteral Feeding Access Team, where she places small bore feeding tubes. Cate feels very fortunate to work with the some of the most challenging patient populations including those with cardiorenal syndrome, CKD stages I-IV, ESKD on hemodialysis and peritoneal dialysis, and patients with AKI requiring CRRT.

Cate is very passionate about caring for people with kidney disease and enjoys helping them in all aspects of nutrition care, including assessment of micronutrient deficiencies. She is an active member of the Renal Practice Group of the Academy where she currently serves as the Policy and Advocacy Leader.

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Cynthia Robison, RD, CSR


Cynthia is a registered dietitian with almost 20 years of experience and is a certified specialist in renal nutrition. She has spent most of her career as a nephrology dietitian, caring for patients utilizing home therapies including home hemodialysis and peritoneal dialysis.

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Kathy Wong, RDN


Kathy is a renal dietitian with over seven years of clinical experience with DaVita Kidney Care, specializing in the care of in-center hemodialysis patients. She is an active member of the Academy's Renal Practice Group and has had the opportunity to contribute her expertise to the American Kidney Fund (AKF) Dietitian Advisory Group. In this role as a member of AKF's Dietitian Advisory Group, Kathy has spoken on multiple panels during AKF's annual Kidney Action Week, and contributed to numerous initiatives aimed at providing helpful resources for both healthcare professionals and patients.

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Edith Yang, RDN, CSR, CLT, FAND


Edith brings over a decade of specialized experience in medical nutrition therapy for chronic kidney disease. As a board-certified renal nutrition expert and founder of an insurance-based group practice, she has extensive knowledge in managing CKD through evidence-based, patient-centered nutrition strategies. Edith has presented at the National Kidney Foundation Spring Clinical Meetings on private practice for dietitians and at FNCE® on MNT for CKD, sharing her insights on effective, accessible nutrition care. An active member of the NKF Council on Renal Nutrition (CRN) and the Academy's Renal Practice Group, Edith continues to contribute her expertise to advance the field and support fellow dietitians in delivering high-quality CKD care.

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