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Sesame Allergy: Management and Labeling Challenges

Sesame Allergy: Management and Labeling Challenges

Sesame Allergy: Management and Labeling Challenges

Your Price $24.00 - $54.00

This webinar was presented live on March 8, 2023. The CPE associated with this event expires on December 31, 2025.

Sesame allergy affects over 1.6 million Americans, and currently, there is no cure for food allergy. Avoidance and careful label reading are essential for those with sesame allergy. In April 2021, the Food Allergy Safety, Treatment, Education & Research (FASTER) Act became law, requiring sesame to be listed on packaged foods beginning January 1, 2023. This bipartisan legislation was a significant step forward for those with sesame allergy, but its implementation has been complicated by companies adding sesame flour to plain products, resulting in cross-contact. In this webinar, our presenters will cover sesame allergy and its management, review U.S. labeling regulations, describe consumer expectations and unintended consequences, and explain the role of dietetics professionals in patient care and advocacy. Join us to learn how you can support those with sesame allergy and navigate the new labeling regulations. As dietetics professionals, we play a critical role in ensuring the safety and well-being of those with food allergies. Don't miss out on this informative presentation.

Product Publish Details

Release Date: March 8, 2023


CPE Level: 2

CPEU: 1.00 (Valid Until December 31, 2025)

Learning Objectives

  • Identify the prevalence and severity of sesame allergy in the United States, and outline food allergy management considerations by dietetics professionals.
  • Describe sesame's journey to becoming the 9th allergen requiring labeling and recognize the benefits and consequences related to the passage of the FASTER Act.
  • List actions to mitigate unintended consequences and support change.

Performance Indicators

  • 6.2.3 Analyzes and interprets data to form valid conclusions and to make recommendations.
  • 7.2.6 Identifies and implements risk management and environmental safety principles to enhance public safety and reduce risk to self, staff, clients/patients, public and organizations.
  • 8.1.2 Applies knowledge of food and nutrition as well as the biological, physical and social sciences in practice.

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Carina Venter, PhD, RD


Dr. Venter is a Professor of Pediatrics, Section of Allergy/Immunology at the Children's Hospital Colorado and University of Colorado Denver School of Medicine, where she is conducting research in allergy prevention and working with children with food allergies. She is the past chair of the International Network of Dietitians and Nutritionists in Allergy, and a member of the American Academy of Allergy and Clinical Immunology (AAAAI), American College of Allergy and Clinical Immunology (ACAAI), European Academy of Allergy and Clinical Immunology (EAACI) and the British Society of Allergy and Clinical Immunology (BSACI). Dr. Venter is a senior advisor to Food Allergy Research and Education (FARE). She is a registered dietitian in the United Kingdom and United States.  She has had publications in international journals, book chapters and edited a book on Food Hypersensitivity. She moved from the UK in 2015 where she had been performing research into allergy prevention and prevention.
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Robert Earl, MPH, RD, FAND


Robert (Bob) Earl, MPH, RDN, FAND, is Vice President, Regulatory Affairs, at FARE (Food Allergy Research & Education), providing leadership on food allergen labeling and thresholds, working with regulatory agencies to meet the needs of the food allergy community. He has over three decades of food allergen, food labeling, and food and nutrition program policy advocacy expertise domestically and internationally. Bob was the first RDN to serve in the Academy’s Washington office, co-directed the landmark Food & Nutrition Board study that led to the US Nutrition Facts panel, and has served in leadership positions in food associations and the food industry. He established the food allergy committee at the International Food Information Council (IFIC), worked closely with one of FARE’s legacy organizations, FAAN (Food Allergy & Anaphylaxis Network), and served on the FARRP Board of Directors (Food Allergy Research & Resource Program, University of Nebraska-Lincoln). Bob served on the Academy Board of Directors and as Speaker of the House of Delegates, as well as a Board member of the Academy Foundation. He is past chair of the Food & Culinary Professionals DPG, received the Academy's Medallion Award, and is an Academy Fellow.

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