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Inflammation: Applications in Functional Medicine

DIFM 2023 Virtual Symposium

Inflammation: Applications in Functional Medicine

Your Price $10.00 - $79.00

Inflammation is a hot topic in integrative and functional medicine and the root cause driver of many common chronic conditions, impacting health and longevity in our communities. In this virtual symposium, learn what inflammation is, what causes it, how to assess inflammation in patients with conventional and functional lab testing, and how to address it with therapeutic nutrition recommendations, lifestyle changes, and targeted supplements. This symposium will also include a lively panel discussion on inflammation from experts in the field.


  • Achieving Inflammation Resolution: An Integrative Approach to Reset Chronic Inflammation, presented by: Dr. Abrar Al-Shaer, PhD, RD, LDN
  • The Genetics and Epigenetics of Inflammation Offer Valuable Clinical Insights presented by: Dr. Yael Joffe, PhD, FACN
  • Putting Out the Inflammatory Fire via Therapeutic Diet, Supplement, and Lifestyle Practices presented by: Cindi Lockhart, RDN, LD, IFNCP

Product Publish Details

Release Date: April 15, 2023


CPE Level: 2

CPEU: 4.50

Learning Objectives

  • Identify the prevalence of chronic inflammation and its impact on overall health.
  • Understand the root causes behind chronic inflammation and how to test for these causes using both conventional and evidenced-based functional testing.
  • Explore the value of gathering genetic and epigenetic information to gain insights into chronic inflammation.
  • Recommend a customized and systemized approach to lowering inflammation via lifestyle adjustments: exercise, sleep, mindfulness, and avoidance of environmental toxins.

Performance Indicators

  • 10.1.1 Leads intra- and interprofessional teams to identify, develop, implement and evaluate valid and reliable nutrition screening tools and procedures.
  • 10.3.4 Selects interventions intended to resolve or improve nutrition diagnoses.
  • 8.1.2 Integrates knowledge of biological, physical, and social sciences with knowledge of food and nutrition to make decisions related to nutrition care.
  • 8.4.1 Integrates knowledge of macro- and micronutrients for digestion, absorption and metabolism throughout the lifespan in practice.

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Abrar Al-Shaer, PhD, RD, LDN


Achieving Inflammation Resolution: An Integrative Approach to Reset Chronic Inflammation

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Cindi Lockhart, RDN, LD, IFNCP


Putting Out the Inflammatory Fire via Therapeutic Diet, Supplement, and Lifestyle Practices

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Yael Joffe, PhD, FACN


The Genetics and Epigenetics of Inflammation Offer Valuable Clinical Insights

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