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The Role of Serotonin in the 3Ds: Depression, Diabetes, Dementia (3Ds) and Aging Vulnerability


The Role of Serotonin in the 3Ds: Depression, Diabetes, Dementia (3Ds) and Aging Vulnerability

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Is there a connection between diabetes, depression and Alzheimer's? Nutrition and dietetics practitioners will learn of critical components in the connectivity from lab experiments translated into realities of human life.

Product Publish Details

Release Date: March 14, 2024


CPE Level: 2

CPEU: 1.00

Learning Objectives

  • Describe connectivity of the 3 Ds identifying the critical component connecting systemic pathology (Diabetes) and neuropsychiatric diseases (depression) to Alzheimer's Disease (AD) and Alzheimer's disease-related dementias (ADRD).
  • Illustrate modeling of high-fat, high glucose pathology in neurons and peripheral cells.
  • Demonstrate animal behavior and conceptual learning of human behavior showing a gender dimorphic and compensatory mechanisms of the brain.

Performance Indicators

  • 4.1.2 Interprets and integrates evidence-based research and literature in decision-making.
  • 4.2.5 Analyzes and synthesizes information and identifies new information, patterns and findings.
  • 6.2.3 Analyzes and interprets data to form valid conclusions and to make recommendations.

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Arubala P. Reddy PhD, RDN


Assistant Professor of Research
Nutritional Sciences Department
Texas Tech University
Lubbock, Texas

Dr. Reddy's current research with animal models (R01) and humans focuses on a better understanding underlying mechanism of Alzheimer's disease. Serotonin dominates neuromodulation of the brainstem and controls the forebrain neurotransmission. She hypothesizes that molecule-targeting serotonin (5HT) has a significant role in forebrain neuromodulation and increasing synaptic density in neurons resulting in neuroprotection. Dr. Reddy has 20+ years of research experience investigating serotonin mechanisms in the human central nervous system and the impact of hormones and antidepressants on the serotonin cascade.

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