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SHPN Expeditions: Fall 2023 Newsletter

SHPN Expeditions

SHPN Expeditions: Fall 2023 Newsletter

Your Price $0.00 - $54.00

Featured CPE article: "Diabetes Management and the Ultra-Endurance Athlete with Type 1 Diabetes"

The CPE article provides an in depth discussion of how athletes with type 1 diabetes (T1D) manage their diabetes and factors that influence this. It describes how to calculate the nutrition needs needs of ultra-endurance athletes with T1D and reports on the benefits and limitations of tools used to manage blood glucose in this group.

Product Publish Details

Release Date: September 11, 2023


CPE Level: 2

CPEU: 1.00

Learning Objectives

  • Identify factors that influence glucose management in athletes with type 1 diabetes (T1D).
  • Calculate nutritional needs for T1D ultra-endurance athletes.
  • Distinguish the benefits and limitations of tools used to manage blood glucose in athletes with T1D.

Performance Indicators

  • 10.5.3 Adjusts interventions based on client/patient progress in meeting established goals.
  • 8.3.8 Creates a nutrition care plan to match energy and other nutrient and fluid needs to maintain health, optimize performance and reduce the likelihood of negative exercise outcomes (e.g., overtraining, injury).
  • 9.4.6 Demonstrates competent use of technology to enhance learning experiences and the delivery of information.

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