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SHPN Expeditions: Spring 2022 Newsletter

SHPN Expeditions

SHPN Expeditions: Spring 2022 Newsletter

Your Price $0.00 - $54.00

Featured CPE article: "Emerging Technology in Sports Nutrition"

This newsletter includes articles featuring impact of technology and soft skills in counseling on athletes' performance. Learn What’s Hot and get to know some amazing SHPN members and their place in the SOPP.

David T. Martin, PhD; Mary Kay Martin, MSc; Louise M Burke, PhD, RD

Product Publish Details

Release Date: March 28, 2022


Format: PDF

CPE Level: 2

CPEU: 0.50

Learning Objectives

  • Discuss the use of technology in quantifying the food intake of sports and human performance clients.
  • Discuss use of technology for biometric monitoring.
  • Describe emerging technologies and the potential impact on and interactions between the sports and human performance professional and the athlete/client.

Performance Indicators

  • 11.4.1 Stays abreast of changing trends and technology in promotion, marketing and advertising products and services.
  • 2.1.1 Assesses the communication needs of individuals, groups and populations to provide effective communication.

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