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Foodservice Operations and Management: Concepts and Applications

Karen Eich Drummond, EdD, RD, LDN, FAND; Mary Cooley, MA, RD, LDN; Thomas J. Cooley, MA, RD

Foodservice Operations and Management

Foodservice Operations and Management: Concepts and Applications

Karen Eich Drummond, EdD, RD, LDN, FAND; Mary Cooley, MA, RD, LDN; Thomas J. Cooley, MA, RD

Your Price $113.99 - $144.99

Foodservice Operations & Management: Concepts and Applications addresses the knowledge and learning activities required by ACEND's standards in the following areas:

  • Management theories and business principles required to deliver programs and services.
  • Continuous quality management of food and nutrition services.
  • Ensuring that food science and food systems, environmental sustainability, food preparation techniques, and development and modification and evaluation of recipes, menus, and food products are acceptable to diverse populations.

The textbook can also be used to meet the competencies in Unit 3 (Food Systems Management) and Unit 5 (Leadership, Business, Management, and Organization) in the Future Education Model for both bachelor's and graduate degree programs.

Features and Benefits

  • An outline at the beginning of each chapter helps students organize what they will learn.
  • Chapters also start with a list of Learning Outcomes.
  • Each chapter is split up by Learning Outcomes.
  • All Key Terms are bolded and defined in the end-of-text Glossary.
  • The text uses many charts, tables, illustrations, and sample forms like Purchase Orders.
  • Each chapter ends with a summary organized by learning outcome.
  • Stressing the importance of each application, the text includes at least one Worksheet for each of the 90 learning outcomes in the text.
  • Navigate Companion Website includes a Case Study for each chapter, touching on at least two of the chapter's learning outcomes. The setting for the Case Studies includes hospitals, long-term care, schools and more.

Included with the book is a Jones & Bartlett Learning Navigate access code for online course materials.

Product Publish Details

Release Date: September 1, 2022

ISBN: 978-1-28416-487-9

Pages: 700

SKU: 487924

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