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Counseling Overweight Adults eBook

Counseling Overweight Adults: The Lifestyle Patterns Approach and Toolkit (eBook)

Robert F. Kushner, MD; Nancy Kushner, MSN, RN; and Dawn Jackson Blatner, RD

This publication features tools and resources designed to help you and your patient overcome weight-loss obstacles.

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Nonmember Price $33.49


If you're struggling to motivate clients to change their behavior in order to lose weight, this book is for you. In it, you'll find tools and resources designed to help you and your patient pinpoint and successfully overcome specific weight-loss obstacles. Based on a unique strategy developed by Dr. Robert Kushner, the content is structured around three key areas of weight management:

  • Eating Patterns
  • Exercise Patterns
  • Coping Patterns

The book will walk you through the Lifestyle Patterns Inventory, a key instrument that will reveal the eating, exercise and coping styles of a particular patient. It provides tools, sample dialogues, and counseling tips that will help you tailor strategies for your client's unique needs.

Also included are:

  • An interactive version of the Lifestyle Patterns Quiz that tabulates the results and presents them in useful graphs
  • Handouts that you can print out when you need them
  • Helpful forms to use with the patient, including a food and activity log, a progress tracking chart and much more

Please note: Academy eBooks require downloading the eatright eReader app. Access to the eBooks is for single-use only. Multiple-user access is not available.

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Release Date: December 17, 2015

ISBN: 978-0-88091-009-5

234 pages

SKU 422Xe

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