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Cultural Competency for Nutrition Professionals (eBook)

Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics

Cultural Competency eBook Sample Pages

Cultural Competency for Nutrition Professionals (eBook)

Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics

Your Price $34.99 - $49.99

This publication is designed to provide an overview of cultural food practices for a diverse range of cultures. Registered dietitian nutritionists and other health care professionals can improve their understanding of different cultures and enhance the quality of health care and culturally appropriate counseling professionals through this introduction to traditions and food practices. The publication includes:

  • An Introduction to Cultural Competency models and recommended standards.
  • Food practices for over twenty-eight different cultures.
  • Relevant information on acculturation and meal planning considerations.
  • Food dictionary of common traditional foods for each culture.

Institutional and Multi-User Access

Academy eBooks purchased through the eatrightSTORE are only available for individual access through the eatright eReader. However, multiple options for multi-user purchases and institutional access are available from other vendors. Visit the About eBooks and eReader page for more information.

Product Publish Details

Release Date: November 2, 2015

ISBN: 978-0-88091-498-7

Pages: 467

SKU: 498716e

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